Men's Ministry
Are you looking for fulfilling involvement at Bethel? Don't hesitate and join us! Our Men’s Ministry is a group comprised of men/boys of all ages.
Typically meets every third Sunday evening of the month (between September and May) at 6 pm in room 115. Please contact Pastor Byron Meline ( if you have any questions or if you would like to join.
Our Men's Ministry Concentrates On Three Things
Bible Study and Prayer
Service Projects
What Happens In Our Men's Ministry
Each month we do a simple Bible study together. No special preparation is necessary. Men have commented that it is great to be able to talk about the faith with other men. Sometimes that is a new experience for someone.
Service projects have been near and far. Annually, a trip is taken to a distant state (Texas, North Carolina, Tennessee) to work with Lutheran Disaster Relief in repairing homes damaged by tornadoes or floods or some other disaster. We also have assisted people in our own congregation who cannot repair their own homes.
Sometimes, our ministry devises opportunities to serve boys without fathers in their homes. The service projects give great meaning to the skills God has given to us.
Fellowship is a part of nearly every event as men offer support to one another. We laugh when serving a church supper and bring our families to an annual cookout. We recognize each other in a special way at worship and elsewhere. Please consider Men’s Ministry as a way to extend your own gifts. Whatever you give, you will get more in return!