Bible Studies
This is an informal study group that helps participants gain deeper appreciation of the scripture texts for the upcoming worship services on Saturdays and Sundays. No preparation or special knowledge is needed. Come as you are and learn more about the Bible! We meet in room 115 on Wednesdays at 10:00 am.
Bethel Lutheran Women Bible Studies
Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month at 4:30 p.m., room 115.
Contact: Mary Hunt, (507) 421-8801
Meets 3rd Monday of the month, 1 p.m. at Bethel.
Contact: Co-Chairs, Carol Lambert, (507) 282-8897, or Sharon Oliver, (507) 288-5828
Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. at member’s homes.
Contact: Janet Scheid, (H) (507) 285-9309, (C) (507) 316-1506
Meets 2nd Saturday of the month, 9 a.m., room 115 from September thru May.
Contact: ART Larson, (507) 282-7322
Meets 4th Tuesday of the month, 6:30 p.m. at member’s homes or at Bethel.
Contact: Co-chairs, Alice Ryba, (507) 208-2120, or Christine Kolling, (507) 282-5358