​Health Cabinet Group Development and Informational Sessions

June 9 9:30 - 11:15 am  |  Bethel Lutheran Church (Room 115)

Please join us on June 9th in Room 115 for two “informational sessions” to give direction to the Health Cabinet. We want to visit with congregation members who completed the Health Cabinet’s survey and anyone else who’d like to join in.

One survey topic that was frequently identified was loneliness and the feeling of being alone & isolated. Whether you have lost your spouse, are a caregiver, or single, you are invited. The information you provide and questions you come with will be helpful to Health Cabinet to develop groups that you’d like to participate in.

The early session is from 9:30-10:30 am and the second session following from 10:30-11:15 am. Hopefully one of these times will fit in with your worship time. Should you have any questions before this time, please call Jeanne Townsend, Bethel Parish RN at 507-269-0271.