Annual Meeting

January 26 9:45 - 10:45 am  |  Bethel Lutheran Church (Bethel hall)

Thank you for your generous support this past year and for the ways we will partner together to help Bethel continue to be a vibrant congregation. Please note the details below (we are doing some new things) and make plans to be a part of learning about an exciting new year at Bethel!

The Bethel Annual Meeting
Let’s Celebrate!
Sunday, January 26th 9:45-10:45 am*
Bethel Hall

​Our annual meeting will include the necessary business (elections and approval of the budget). In addition, this year’s annual meeting will also be an opportunity for food and conversation. Eggbake, muffins and fruit will be served (Contributions at the Annual meeting will go towards the Youth’s Denver mission trip).

A special “Snuggle Sunday” (wear your pj’s) for children will be offered in Youth Hall: 9:45-10:45 am with breakfast goodies.

• 9-9:30 am Traditional Service – Sanctuary
• 11-11:30 am Traditional Service – Sanctuary / Gate of Life – Chapel