Lenten Midweek Service Schedule

February 14 - March 20 2024  |  Bethel Lutheran Church

Jesus said…“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

What is the best way for someone to build a connection with you? Do you like to share your thoughts with others? Serve side by side? Spend time together in nature? Work toward a cause you both care about? We all have ways of connecting that are most meaningful to us and each of us is different. God, too, desires to connect to us and Jesus provides the way through the cross and His resurrection.

This Lenten season we will hear faith stories from Bethel members that provide insight into how each person most tangibly experiences this connection to God. Jesus is the way and the truth and the life! In what way is this truth most life-giving to you? Worship? Relationships? Serving? Intellect? Advocacy? Contemplation? Nature? Jesus meets you there.


  • Midweek Worship During Lent: Wednesdays, Feb. 21st, 28th, March 6th, 13th, and 20th @ Noon & 5:30* pm in Sanctuary.

*5:30 pm services will have a Sign Language Interpreter and will be live-streamed through our YouTube channel

To watch videos of our Lenten midweek services, please click here.


Join us for lunch and/or supper every Wednesday during Lent!

Our Bethel ministry teams will be hosting Lenten meals this year to raise money for specific team missions!

Noon Soup Lunches (No registration needed):
Served from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm (Free-will offering). Soups provided by Bethel members.

Evening Meals:
Bethel ministry teams will be hosting a catered Lenten meal, 5 to 7 pm (from Gleason’s Catering in Stewartville). All guests are required to register for these evening meals by 5 pm of the Monday of the same week the meal is served. To register and to check the menu of the different weeks, please visit bethellutheran.com/event/lenten-meals