Special Congregational Meeting for Voting

August 18 11:45 am

Bethel Congregational Meeting regarding a vote for:

Call to Associate Pastor- Visitation Mission and Teaching

Dear Bethel Members,

In April 2023, the call process began for our new Associate Pastor-Visitation Mission and Teaching and a call committee was formed. The committee has done great work since and are thrilled to have unanimous support in selecting a final candidate for the call. On Wednesday, July 31st, 2024, the Church Council was made aware of the Call Committee’s decision. The final step in the call process is to introduce the final candidate to our congregation and hold a special congregational meeting for the sole purpose of extending a call to the recommended candidate.

The Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, August 18th, 2024 at 11:45 am. Please join us to learn about the candidate, ask questions, and cast your vote. A 2/3 majority vote by written ballot is required for the extension of a call. You must be present to vote.

Thank you for your prayers and support in the process of discerning a call. We have been encouraged by you and trust the work of the Holy Spirit. We are very excited for Bethel’s future and are confident in this pastoral candidate. We look forward to connecting with you at our Congregational Meeting on Sunday, August 18th


Greg Heetland

Bethel Church Council President


Call Committee Members:

Jordan Anderson, Jim Deutschle (chair), Pat Eichhorst, Sara Eslait, Ian Greenlund, Jackson O’Brien, Michele Ratelle, Bill Shea, Paul Wittmer, Pastor Anjanette Bandel.