Years at Bethel: 10
Profession: Retired from publishing as Project Editor, Copyeditor, Indexer
Family: Ryland (Husband), Nicole (Daughter), Traci & Samuel (Daughter and Son-in-Law), Logan, Laura, Carter, and Izzie (Grandchildren)
Passions at Bethel:
Devotional Ministry Team, Writing Devotions, Serving Communion, Wednesday Morning Bible Study, and Updating readings, hymns, and such for weekend worship slides
Why I Love Bethel:
I love the joyful, fun-loving, always-helpful spirit of the pastors and staff; the beautiful music; relatable sermons; openness to working with and helping the local and world community; the welcoming people;
and the many opportunities for volunteering and spiritual growth.
Fun Fact(s):
I love spending time with family (many of whom are Bethel members) including family lunches after church; traveling; theatre; reading; writing; laughter; and good conversation.