
Bethel’s Endowment Fund

Established in 1993, the Bethel Lutheran Church Endowment Fund was created to encourage, receive, and manage gifts that are intended to benefit the congregation. The earnings from these gifts are used to address needs within Bethel and the community. The Bethel Endowment supports the mission and vision of our congregation and it complements our efforts to commit, prepare, and minister. Joined together, our individual legacies and endowment contributions help fulfill our current and future needs.

Thanks to the generosity of past and present Bethel members, the Endowment Fund has become a dependable resource used to further the mission of our church.

Through the Endowment Fund, Bethel has the ability to:

  • Give its members a way to continue Christian Stewardship beyond our lifetime.
  • Help perpetuate financial support.
  • Receive gifts from those who wish to remember loved ones in a lasting way.
  • Provide financial strength to meet challenges in the years ahead.
  • Help minister to our youth, our elderly, and our neighbors.
  • Enter new ventures for Jesus Christ through His Church.

Gifts / Contributions

Contributions can be forwarded to the Endowment using such ways as:

  • Outright gifts – money, securities, personal property, and/or real estate
  • Bequests – cash or other gifts designated in a donor’s will
  • Charitable Trusts
  • Memorials – gifts given in honor of or in memory of a loved one
  • Life Insurance/Annuity
  • IRA/Retirement Funds

All gifts which come in to the Endowment Fund are managed under the direction of an elected board of trustees in accordance with the Constitution and By-laws of Bethel. The Endowment Team currently uses Associated Bank to oversee and properly invest the funds and monies which come into the church. The overall fund balance (approximately $2,262,000.00) is further divided into adult education, children’s ministries, fellowship, missions, youth, music, properties, seminary support, scholarships, spiritual emphasis, and undesignated purposes.


Spring 2024

  • Support the youth to provide catered Lenten meals for the Christikon fundraiser
  • Support youth camp Christikon travel costs
  • Support for Children’s Ministry murals
  • AED maintenance
  • College scholarships for students attending ELCA colleges
  • Support for the Easter breakfast
  • Support for outdoor worship
  • Support of roofing repairs from storm damage
  • Luther Seminarian support for a Bethel member
  • Support for Music Ministry Hand Bell maintenance
  • Technology support for upgrading the sanctuary sound system


If you would like more information regarding the Endowment or would like to contribute to this Fund, please contact 507-288-6430, email Pastor Anjanette at bandel@bethellutheran.com, or connect with a committee member.

Endowment Committee Members

  • Bruce Remme, Chair Person
  • AJ Bouquet, Secretary
  • Dave Turner, Treasurer
  • Russell Wiesner, Publicity
  • Linda Bonow, Donor Relations
  • Jeff Vomhof, Operations
  • Terra O’Brien, Council Liaison
  • Anjanette Bandel, Lead Pastor
  • Alyssa Barker, Administrative Secretary

Money available

Market value as of May, 2023 is $2,072,720.

$133,000 is available for disbursement.